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Nc homeschool graduation requirements Form: What You Should Know

Must meet at least two courses from the four recommended by the home school's department of education, with the additional courses being chosen by the parent. Education must be conducted according to their  individualized plan of study. · Must be enrolled in, and complete, a nonpublic school to qualify. · Home school should be used only as a secondary studying option. · Home school is considered in addition to public school in North Carolina. · Home schooled students must pass the NAB exam, the NAB National Certificate Examination. · Must have completed at least 9 credit hours at a private, high-quality, religious high school or home school. · Student must reside in North Carolina, unless he or she has successfully completed a school in another state. Student's Work-Study Permit — NC Department of Pensions and Administration Work-Study Permit. An exception to the North Carolina Work-Study law allows non-tenure-track employment under the authority of a licensed vocational or college vocational center or an organization that promotes educational work. North Carolina Home Schooled Students • Home school student must apply for and successfully complete both part or all two high school diplomas or its equivalent. • An approved Home School Plan shall be used for academic coursework at a home or non-public school. • A diploma requirement of at least a grade level 3 would apply to all home school applications. How many home-schooled student graduates from public high schools in North Carolina? Number of Public High School Graduates from Home Schooled Students in NC 1 -1 -25 -50 -75 -100 -125 -150 -225 Total Public High School Graduates from Home Schooled Students in NC 1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 Total Public High School Graduates Since January 2009 1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 For more information about North Carolina homeschooled students contact us with your questions, concerns or inquiries by phone 866.942.9200, by fax 866.942.9201; by e-mail . This information is intended to help home schoolers understand the requirements and procedures for a permit to operate a home school in North Carolina. Readers should refer to their state laws for additional information and requirements.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Nc homeschool graduation requirements

Instructions and Help about Nc homeschool graduation requirements

My name is Spencer Mason, and I'm with North Carolinians for home education. Even for graduation, it's the parents - the homeschool parents - who determine the requirements. I've known some homeschool parents who require the student to memorize one of the synoptic Gospels before they can graduate. To me, that would have been a major challenge. However, other parents require their child to be able to build a cabinet and do cabinet work. It depends on what the student wants to do when they graduate. Now, I know our students wanted to go to college. Three of our kids wanted to go to a liberal arts college, which meant two years of foreign language for those students. I had one student who wanted to go to the engineering school. Well, that meant four years of mathematics for that student. So sometimes, if they're interested in going to college, you want to tailor their high school experience to fit the admissions requirements of the particular college or the type of college that they're interested in. If your student is interested in going into college, even a technical school or a community college, you need to find out what the admissions requirements are for those students. One of the big advantages of our Community College in the state of North Carolina is that you can get involved in the Career and College Promise program, which is a dual enrollment program. The student can get college credits that can count as high school credits as well. Once they're in that program, they're already in college, so it's not a matter of getting the admissions requirements at that point in time. They're already a college student and can just continue on once they graduate from high school. Of course, you have to pay...