Hi, I'm Lea Benz. I just got a question about how do I get good scholarships, so I thought I'd give you a couple of tips really quick. Probably by far the best way to get scholarships is to educate your children and make sure that they are as well educated as possible. You can't necessarily make them smarter, but you can make them well educated, okay? So the best way to get scholarships is to make sure that you're teaching the core subjects. The next thing that you can do is to make sure that there's something that they really, really like doing besides school. Colleges will call that passion; homeschoolers will often call it delight-directed learning. I used to call it goofing off. Okay, so you want to make sure that your children are doing something that they enjoy doing. They enjoy it so much that they do it for four years in a row all the way through high school. So let's pay for you to have a couple of activities that you know you make your children do. I used to have a few of those. Then there are other things that your children are doing because it comes from inside of their heart that they really want to be doing, and that is the passion that colleges are looking for. So that's sort of how you prepare them for big scholarships. But there's a couple of ways that you can get scholarships. One thing is to make sure that you pay close attention to the college admission process. You want them to be very careful that you're setting your children up for college admission and scholarships. There's just a book load a book loaded full of tips for college admission and scholarships, but that's one...
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